We are blessed to bless the nations
In his book Finish The Mission John Piper said, “God gives his people material wealth for the sake of the world’s spiritual worship. That is, he blesses his church with riches for the sake of reaching the nations. He gives a bountiful wheat harvest for the sake of a bountiful world harvest. He gives us more money than we need so that we can meet the world’s greatest need – the need to know God through Jesus Christ”. God has blessed us here at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia. He has given us more than we need. It isn’t because he loves us more than others it is because he expects us to DO more than others for the sake of his glory and in pursuit of lost people both here in Orillia and indeed, throughout the world.
We have divided our ambition for world mission into 4 distinct categories. 101 represents our work here at home in the city of Orillia. 201 represents our commitment to sharing the Gospel in Canada. 301 represents our calling to the Americas and 401 represents our commitment to the furthest reaches of the world.
As we move further from home our approach will be characterized by certain values and principles. In general, when working outside of Orillia we will prioritize projects that empower local churches and local leaders. We will focus on equipping and encouraging God’s people in a particular area in order to execute their mission to make disciples where God has put them. We will prioritize leadership development, theological training and local church ministry. We understand that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ and we understand that good deeds adorn and commend the Gospel to a culture so we will favour projects that correctly balance word and deed.
We will give, we will pray, and, when appropriate, we will go. May God use this guide to direct your prayers and stir your heart to participation – for his glory and our good always.
Why are we involved in Mission?
The Mission of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia is the same mission shared by every Christ following church. It is the mission given to us by Jesus:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20. ESV)
With this in mind, we believe God put us in Orillia for a reason and therefore the focus of this church is unapologetically on Orillia as our mission field. We think of ourselves as being sent to Orillia in the same way we typically think of being sent on mission overseas.
One of our Core Values state that we deeply believe that lost people matter to God, and therefore, ought to matter to our church. This Core Value is not contingent upon geographic location so in obedience to the great commission we take the Gospel into the entire world. We must understand “Lost means condemned.” Lostness should impact everything we do and everything we do should impact lostness.
Another of our Core Values states we are committed to partnership and as you read through these pages you will see the agencies and individuals we work with. These partners and our other core values drive our Mission Program.
No church is planted without the verbal proclamation of the Gospel, however, proclamation alone is not enough. We are therefore committed to work for the long haul through our Mission Agency and National Church partners to ensure lasting fruit for the expansion of the Kingdom and for the glory of God.
Where are we involved in Mission?

The Lighthouse | Men's shelter, community resources, and daily meal program |
Orillia Pregnancy Resource Centre | Pregnancy counselling services |
Sharing Place | Community food assistance and programs |
Counselling | Next Step professional counselling services |

Mile 1 Mission | Church planting network for Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prison Fellowship | Ministry to inmates, ex-offenders, their families and victims |
Teen Challenge | Addictions rehab program |

Dominican Republic / Kingsview Sponsorship | Child sponsorship, widow support, outreach, and leadership training |

South Africa / Brannan Family | Theological education, leadership development, orphan care in Empangeni |
Uttermost International | Outreach/Pastoral Development in Delhi and the Punjab |
Theological Famine Relief | Providing theological materials to rural pastors & lay leaders |
Voice of the Martyrs | Support to the Persecuted Church |