Discipleship & Teaching

Coming this Fall:

As many of you know, starting this fall we'll be moving to two services.  Any time a church experiences growth, it becomes even MORE essential that we find community, fellowship and discipleship. Biblical Christianity requires more than just attending on Sunday morning! It requires gathering regularly with other believers - “house to house”, “day by day” and “breaking bread together” (Acts 2:42-47) - for fellowship, prayer, discipleship, and encouragement. We need daily exhortation as Christians (Heb. 3:13), and gathering during the week is essential for further growth and discipleship!

Take some time to look over our upcoming fall studies and groups below, and plan to get plugged in this fall to find deep, rich, meaningful, and edifying community here at Cornerstone.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Rob.

Cornerstone U: Meandering Through the Minor Prophets
Led by Dr. David Barker
Sundays, 7pm in the Sanctuary // October 20-November 24
Sign up by filling out the form below.

All are welcome to join us for Cornerstone U. Through these courses, we'll journey through the history of the Christian faith.  This fall's course is titled 'Meandering Through the Minor Prophets', led by Dr. David Barker - Professor Emeritus of Bible Studies at Heritage Seminary.

What did James mean in James 1:27? Do we really believe him? This course will try to answer those questions and more by surveying the books of Hosea to Malachi, often called “The Book of the Twelve.” We’ll look at authorship, date, setting, and message of each book (two or three books per night). The emphasis will be on the message of the book for Israel back then and for us as the church today. We will find much to think about, and be challenged by, especially as we think about the words “justice” and “righteousness” as we meander through each book and hear the passionate voice of each of these prophets, and bring that voice into the 21st century church.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Rob.

Course Registration

The Gospel Project for Adults
Led by Pastor Steve Paul
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:15 pm // Lower Level Journey Kids Room // Starting September 4, 2024
Newcomers can register by filling out the form below

The Gospel Project for Adults is a weekly Bible study that takes us from Genesis to Revelation, telling the story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death through Jesus Christ. If you are new to your Bible or desire a basic refresher, this journey is for you. We will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:15pm in the lower level Journey Kids room. The fall session begins September 4th.  This is a weekly journey throughout the year that breaks every December, July and August.  There is no cost to attend and newcomers can register by filling out the form below (you don't need to sign up if you're already attending).  All are welcome to join anytime!

For more information, please call or email Pastor Steve.

Course Registration

T2 (Women's Leadership Development)
Led by Pastor Paul Carter, Liz Shaughnessy and Shara Aldom
Thursdays, 7pm in the Sanctuary // September 19-November 28
Cost: Approximately $50 (details below)
Sign up by filling out the form below.

“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.  Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” (Titus 2:1–5 ESV)

It is clear from Titus 2:1-5 that the Apostle Paul understood “sound doctrine” as suggesting an appropriate way to live for men and women of all ages. The purpose of this class is to review what the Bible says in terms of “sound doctrine” and to revisit the ethical norms associated therewith so as to discuss how they may be lived out in the current cultural context. In essence, this class is attempting to answer the question: “What does a godly woman look like in 2024?”

The cost of this course is approximately $50/person for the cost of books.  Participants are responsible to source and purchase their own copies of two required reading books: 1) The Genesis of Gender by Abigail Favale; and 2) either According to Plan by G. Goldsworthy OR The Unfolding Mystery by E. Clowney.  The books by Goldsworthy and Clowney are similar, so participants may choose to purchase either book. 

Please register for this course by completing the form below.

Course Registration

Men's Study: The Book of Proverbs
Led by Pastor Elrond Hernando
Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm // Lower Level Fellowship Hall // Starting September 19, 2024
Register by filling out the form below

There are several Men's Studies throughout the year at Cornerstone with the aim of encouraging and assisting one another to stand firm in the faith. This fall, we'll be working through the book of Proverbs in this 12 week study.

As men, the Bible highlights that we should aspire to lead and to teach and that we ought to be disciples and making disciples. Come join us, Thursday nights at 7pm-8:30, beginning September 19 as we walk through the book of Proverbs and navigate God's wisdom for daily living.  You can sign up by filling out the form below. If you have any questions, just contact Pastor Elrond.

Mens Study Registration

Women's Study: When You Pray
Led by Liz Shaughnessy
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 am // Lower Level Fellowship Hall // Starting September 24, 2024
Cost: $20/book // Registration Now Closed

Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven't prayed at all? You're not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it's a struggle. Throughout God's Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.

Join six beloved Bible study teachers in this 7-session study and learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You'll see examples of how to pray when you're alone and when you're gathered with others. Above all, you'll notice there's no one right way to pray. 'When You Pray' is written by Kelly Minter, Jackie Hill-Perry, Jen Wilkin, and more.

Registration is now closed. If you have any questions, just contact Liz Shaughnessy.

Womens Study Payment Options

There are several ways you can send your payment for your study book:

1. E-Transfer: you can send your e-transfer to 'give@cornerstoneorillia.org'; no security question and answer is needed. Please ensure you write your students' name in the memo line.

2. PayPal: you can click the PayPal link below to pay; you don't need to have a PayPal account to use this option; PayPal accepts all major credit cards.

3. Cash/Cheque: you can bring your payment in to Liz Shaughnessy when the study starts.

Study Book Options
Please Enter Registrant's Name