Thanksgiving Special Offering

Offerings will be received from Sunday, October 13 - December 25 

As many of you know, Pastor Shadrack’s house building project hit a milestone the last week of September, with the completion of the roof. This is significant in that now progress can be made on the inside! Once it is finished, not only can Pastor Shadrack and his family move up there and have a home within their mission field, but they can start using their house as a church and that will allow them to spend much more time in ministry activity and doing it together! No more long commutes! The sooner this house is completed, the quicker this begins! Pastor Shadrack and his wife Gugu are excited to be even more effective in their ministry as they train more pastors, establish a church and become rooted in a rural South African community that has better access to remote locations.

With the completion in sight yet with much work still to do and material and supplies needed all at once, we will be doing this year’s Thanksgiving Special Offering from Sunday, October 13 – December 25 to help bring this project to completion.

We’re excited to continue our support of Pastor Shadrack and his move to this location and what this means toward gospel proclamation in the region of KwaZulu-Natal.

Would you go to the Lord in prayer, and ask Him what He would have you give, over-and-above towards the completion of this project? Our hope is that we would raise $70,000 so that Pastor Shadrack and his family can move in this year and begin this new stage in their ministry in this region.

God Bless you all!

Ways You Can Give:

There are several ways you can give your over-and-above special offering to help support this project and partnership with Pastor Shadrack; if you have any questions, please contact the office.

1. Offering Envelopes: You can give on Sundays by cash or cheque using offering envelopes available at our Offering drop boxes in the sanctuary.  Please make sure to mark on your envelope or cheque that your offering is for the 'Thanksgiving Special Offering'.

2. E-Transfer: You can give by e-transfer to ''.  Please make sure to write on the memo line that your offering is for the 'Thanksgiving Special Offering'.  There is no security question or answer needed for this option.

3. Online Giving Account*: If you have an Online Giving Account number to give your regular tithes and offerings, you can use this option. Log into your banking app, and change the letter 'G' in your online giving account number to an 'M'.  This way we'll know your giving amount is for the 'Thanksgiving Special Offering'.

4. Welcome Centre: You can also give to the Thanksgiving Special Offering on Sundays at the Welcome Centre; just visit the desk in the front foyer before or after the service and our helpful volunteers will help guide you through this option with debit/credit card.

5. Cornerstone App:  You can give through the app as well; on the giving page in the app, select the 'Thanksgiving Special Offering' fund to give directly to the project.

*If you don't have an Online Giving Account number yet and would like to start giving your regular tithes and offerings to Cornerstone through your banking app, you can contact Susan in the office to be assigned an account number.