Parenting Gen Z

“How are the kids?”

I get asked some version of that question pretty much every day and I find it surprisingly difficult to answer. In part that is because I have 5 children and on any given day a couple of them are probably doing very well and at least one of them is likely to be struggling. All of my children fall within the demographic typically referred to as Gen Z (born 1995-2012). My wife and I are both Gen Xers (born 1965-1979) which means we often feel like we are speaking a completely different language and living in a very different world than our children.

Parenting is hard!

It is probably harder now than at any point previous in living memory. You won’t find many people presenting themselves as experts on parenting Gen Z. Everyone is trying to figure this out. We’re still very early on in the process and about the only thing we know for sure is that we all need help. To be absolutely clear: I’m not writing this because my wife and I have somehow figured out the magic formula.

Far from it.

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