Sr. High

Weekly Youth Group

Our Sr. High Ministry is for students in grades 9-12, and we meet on Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:30pm.  The night includes worship, a large group lesson and breakout into small groups to dig deeper into God's Word.  We also do a ton of games, sports and fun stuff during these programs, giving you lots of time to grow relationships with your peers and connect with your mentors.  Dress for the weather as we plan to do lots of outdoor activities each week.

In order to stay informed about events, you can subscribe to our youth e-mail list by emailing Noah Ecker.

Upcoming Events

Youth Dodgeball

Youth, join us at Orillia Christian School for a night of dodgeball! 

When: Tuesday, April 8th | 6-8pm
Where: Orillia Christian School | 505 Gill St, Orillia

For details, visit our event page!