Young Adults

Mid-Week Meetings:

Please Note We're Moving to Wednesday Nights

Are you a college student?  Are you on a career track?  Are you a young adult?

Be a part of social events, worship nights, and Bible studies with other young adults ages 18-30.  Come to engage with God's Word, be encouraged by Christian friends, and be equipped to live out your faith. 

Starting on September 11, join us Wednesdays from 7:00-9:30pm in the back portable for worship, Bible study, prayer, and connecting with other Christians.

To stay connected, visit this page regularly for event details, join our Young Adults Facebook page, or contact Noah Ecker for more info.


Cross Con 2025

Date: Thursday, January 2 - Saturday, January 4, 2025
Location: Kentucky International Convention Center  // Louisville, Kentucky
Cost: CAD $250/person* //  Payment Options below
Details: At Cross Conference, there are several speakers, with several breakouts that focus on developing your relationship with God. They have times of worship and a bookstore with several christian book options. It is a great way to start the new year and connect with other young adults, both in our group and around the world, as there is over 8000 people at this conference. This price includes your ticket, accommodation for the few days and gas to get there.  *If this price point is a challenge, or you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Noah

More details will come in terms of transportation.

To register, please complete the form below. 

Young Adult Ministry Registration & Waiver

This liability waiver form for off-site activities is to be completed for each trip planned by Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia. Please complete the form in full.

Please list if you have any dietary, disability, or allergy needs if applicable

Precautions are taken for the safety and health of all those attending off site events/activities organized by Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia (the “Church”) however, in the event of an accident or sickness, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia, the Board of Elders, its staff and its volunteers from and against any loss, damage or injury suffered by me while participating in or traveling to events/activities organized by the Church.

Cross Con Payment Options:

The total cost of the conference is $250/person.  You can pay this amount in full, or you can reserve your place for $100 and then pay in instalments of $50 to the full $250 amount. There are several ways you can send your payment for the conference:

1. E-Transfer: you can send your e-transfer to ''; no security question and answer is needed. Please ensure you write in the memo line that this is for your Cross Con registration.

2. PayPal: you can click the PayPal link below to pay; you don't need to have a PayPal account to use this option; PayPal accepts all major credit cards.

3. Cash/Cheque: you can bring your payment in to Noah Ecker.

Payment Options
Please Enter Registrant's Name